Edu7 (Software) — English

The only drag & drop all in one software platform in the world.

1. Graphic Design Platform
Create over Excel, Word, Pictures, Videos, Music, Web Pages, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, You Tube, Photo Shop, Pinterest, Instagram and more using your PC in 30 seconds or less.

2. Educational Platform
Create any kind of educational platforms to teach in a creative and visual way.

3. Multimedia Platform
Stream and create with your favorite music and videos.

4. Text to Speech Platform
Use your computer to speak out your text.

5. Internet Platform
Use your web links to Interact with the Internet.

6. Augmented Reality Platform
Use your desktop to add an interactive experience environment.

7. Photography Platform
Use your desktop as an Image control and creative center.


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What you will get for free— Bonuses Collection Combined Value = $975


  1. vProtocol (PC) —
  2. PROMO Gallery (PC) —
  3. GOnexion (PC) —
  4. HOLO Player (PC) —
  5. Promo Gallery (Android) —
  6. Mambo Gallery (Android) —
  7. News Busters (Android) —
  8. Promodroid (Android) —
  9. Te Resuelvo (Android) —
  10. Teen Spot (PC) —

Bonus Collection Combined Value = $975

BUY (Comprar) : $47 

We invite you to join our Jiffy group at Facebook where you can see already made creations: